Erin's Bouquet of red and pink roses, deep red and pink calla lilies and pink bouvardia. The submerged centerpiece set up for the place card table.
The tall centerpieces of mokara orchids and gladiolus.
The low centerpieces of roses, gladiolus and mokara orchids in a chocolate fabric wrapped vase.
For more pictures of this wedding, make sure you check out the fabulous photographer's blog (they are posted now!) Heather from Weddings by Heather is always a joy to work with!
Forgive me for combining blogs, but we've been busy and there are so many things I want to share.
Here is an amazingly cool bouquet that I made for Janelle's wedding at The Aviary. You didn't know a vegetable could be so beautiful, did you? This bouquet is a mix of flowering kale and freesia.
Corsages for Janelle's wedding made from white freesia and pink spray roses.
Your talent astounds me! It makes me long to roll back time and have you do my wedding flowers (and I liked my florist, but wow, wow, wow!) Enjoy that pumpkin spice - the fraps as great on hot days, but the cooler weather is upon us!